Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A bird, a plane? No, it's the Jumbotron

Kodak has our "names in lights" on its Time Square Jumbotron!

(Yep, those are our names there! Sorry, we decided to play it "cool" and not drag our Mamiya out to Times Sq. with us. This is taken from our phone.)

We, along with our fellow PDN 30, will be cycling on the screen until Nov. 10. The cycle script begins: Kodak Celebrates the New Faces of Photography: PDN's 30 (or something pretty close to that). As the names slowly march up the screen, each coming to rest in the center, the names span out, and three or four images from the showcased photographer slide across the screen. It's quite nicely paced and shows a little peek into each of our work. We're in excellent company up there! One photo editor wrote to me giddily saying " cool."

We've been down to check it out; we've watched from several angles: From the infamous Planet Hollywood third floor bar--not exactly sure what it's infamous for, but it does remind me a little of a Biloxi casino (no offense, Biloxi); from the second and fourth floors of TGI Fridays--I'm beginning to feel a bit sorry for those who come to town and go to these places (pull it together people!); from the street--the middle, the side, the across-the-way (does the Naked Cowboy really do that everyday? Oh wait, now the NYPD men are posing for a picture with those women too.); and, our favorite, from walking underneath into the Marriott, which reminds me of all those hotels we've stayed in to get here--no, not the lovely beach cabanas and yoga retreats, or the lovely mountain lodges, or the lovely spas, the lovely design hotels, the lovely city centre apartment, it's more like a giant airport hotel meets convention center.... Either way, it feels like adventure, and that feels good.

Below are the images we have gliding through Times Sq. as we speak.... I wonder if they can see it from space. :) The image in the upper left will be shown at a Kodak-hosted gallery show and reception on Thursday night as part of their PhotoPlus Expo. We've selected all of the images from our work with people. We love the places and things we photograph, but people make most of what we do happen.

Thanks, Kodak, for bringing us out!

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